Abstract grid widget
Grid view with string data shown. All rows are of the same height
grid control action codes
Callback for handling of cell double click or Enter key press
cellPopupMenu signal handler interface
Callback for handling of cell selection
Adapter for custom drawing of some cells in grid widgets
Data provider for GridWidget.
Callback for handling of view scroll (top left visible cell change)
GridWidgetBase - abstract grid widget
StringGridWidget - grid of strings
import dlangui.widgets.grid; StringGridWidget grid = new StringGridWidget("GRID1"); grid.layoutWidth(FILL_PARENT).layoutHeight(FILL_PARENT); grid.showColHeaders = true; grid.showRowHeaders = true; grid.resize(30, 50); grid.fixedCols = 3; grid.fixedRows = 2; //grid.rowSelect = true; // testing full row selection grid.selectCell(4, 6, false); // create sample grid content for (int y = 0; y < grid.rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < grid.cols; x++) { grid.setCellText(x, y, "cell("d ~ to!dstring(x + 1) ~ ","d ~ to!dstring(y + 1) ~ ")"d); } grid.setRowTitle(y, to!dstring(y + 1)); } for (int x = 0; x < grid.cols; x++) { int col = x + 1; dstring res; int n1 = col / 26; int n2 = col % 26; if (n1) res ~= n1 + 'A'; res ~= n2 + 'A'; grid.setColTitle(x, res); } grid.autoFit();
Boost License 1.0
Vadim Lopatin, 2014
This module contains implementation of grid widgets