returns character width
clear usage flags for all entries
removes entries not used after last call of checkpoint() or cleanup()
clears glyph cache
Draw text string to buffer.
draws multiline text with line splitting
Draw text string to buffer.
get character glyph information
measure multiline text with line splitting, returns width and height in pixels
Measure text string, return accumulated widths[] (distance to end of n-th character), returns number of measured chars.
Measure text string as single line, returns width and height
return true if antialiasing is enabled, false if not enabled
returns baseline offset
returns font face name
returns font family
returns actual font height including interline space
returns true if font has fixed pitch (all characters have equal width)
returns true if font object is not yet initialized / loaded
returns true if font is italic
returns font size (as requested from font engine)
returns true if font is fixed
returns font weight
Buffer to reuse while measuring strings to avoid GC
Instance of font with specific size, weight, face, etc.
Allows to measure text string and draw it on DrawBuf
Use FontManager.instance.getFont() to retrieve font instance.