1 module dlangui.platforms.common.startup;
3 import dlangui.core.config;
4 import dlangui.core.events;
5 import dlangui.widgets.styles;
6 import dlangui.graphics.fonts;
7 import dlangui.graphics.resources;
8 import dlangui.widgets.widget;
9 import std.utf : toUTF32;
11 private immutable dstring DLANGUI_VERSION_VALUE = toUTF32(import("DLANGUI_VERSION"));
12 extern(C) @property dstring DLANGUI_VERSION() {
14 }
16 static if (BACKEND_GUI) {
17 import dlangui.graphics.ftfonts;
19 version (Windows) {
21     /// initialize font manager - default implementation
22     /// On win32 - first it tries to init freetype, and falls back to win32 fonts.
23     /// On linux/mac - tries to init freetype with some hardcoded font paths
24     extern(C) bool initFontManager() {
25         import core.sys.windows.windows;
26         import std.utf;
27         import dlangui.platforms.windows.win32fonts;
28         try {
29             /// testing freetype font manager
30             static if (ENABLE_FREETYPE) {
31                 Log.v("Trying to init FreeType font manager");
33                 import dlangui.graphics.ftfonts;
34                 // trying to create font manager
35                 Log.v("Creating FreeTypeFontManager");
36                 FreeTypeFontManager ftfontMan = new FreeTypeFontManager();
38                 import core.sys.windows.shlobj;
39                 string fontsPath = "c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\";
40                 static if (true) { // SHGetFolderPathW not found in shell32.lib
41                     WCHAR[MAX_PATH] szPath;
42                     static if (false) {
43                         const CSIDL_FLAG_NO_ALIAS = 0x1000;
44                         const CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_UNEXPAND = 0x2000;
45                         if(SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPathW(NULL,
46                                     CSIDL_FONTS|CSIDL_FLAG_NO_ALIAS|CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_UNEXPAND,
47                                     NULL,
48                                     0,
49                                     szPath.ptr)))
50                         {
51                             fontsPath = toUTF8(fromWStringz(szPath));
52                         }
53                     } else {
54                         if (GetWindowsDirectory(szPath.ptr, MAX_PATH - 1)) {
55                             fontsPath = toUTF8(fromWStringz(szPath));
56                             Log.i("Windows directory: ", fontsPath);
57                             fontsPath ~= "\\Fonts\\";
58                             Log.i("Fonts directory: ", fontsPath);
59                         }
60                     }
61                 }
62                 Log.v("Registering fonts");
63                 // arial
64                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "arial.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", false, FontWeight.Normal);
65                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "arialbd.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", false, FontWeight.Bold);
66                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "arialbi.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", true, FontWeight.Bold);
67                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "ariali.ttf",    FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", true, FontWeight.Normal);
68                 // arial unicode ms
69                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "arialni.ttf",    FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial Unicode MS", false, FontWeight.Normal);
70                 // arial narrow
71                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "arialn.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial Narrow", false, FontWeight.Normal);
72                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "arialnb.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial Narrow", false, FontWeight.Bold);
73                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "arialnbi.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial Narrow", true, FontWeight.Bold);
74                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "arialni.ttf",    FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial Narrow", true, FontWeight.Normal);
75                 // calibri
76                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "calibri.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "Calibri", false, FontWeight.Normal);
77                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "calibrib.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Calibri", false, FontWeight.Bold);
78                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "calibriz.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Calibri", true, FontWeight.Bold);
79                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "calibrii.ttf",    FontFamily.SansSerif, "Calibri", true, FontWeight.Normal);
80                 // cambria
81                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "cambria.ttc",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "Cambria", false, FontWeight.Normal);
82                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "cambriab.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Cambria", false, FontWeight.Bold);
83                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "cambriaz.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Cambria", true, FontWeight.Bold);
84                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "cambriai.ttf",    FontFamily.SansSerif, "Cambria", true, FontWeight.Normal);
85                 // candara
86                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "Candara.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "Candara", false, FontWeight.Normal);
87                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "Candarab.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Candara", false, FontWeight.Bold);
88                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "Candaraz.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Candara", true, FontWeight.Bold);
89                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "Candarai.ttf",    FontFamily.SansSerif, "Candara", true, FontWeight.Normal);
90                 // century
91                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "CENTURY.TTF",     FontFamily.Serif, "Century", false, FontWeight.Normal);
92                 // comic sans ms
93                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "comic.ttf",     FontFamily.Serif, "Comic Sans MS", false, FontWeight.Normal);
94                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "comicbd.ttf",     FontFamily.Serif, "Comic Sans MS", false, FontWeight.Bold);
95                 // constantia
96                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "constan.ttf",     FontFamily.Serif, "Constantia", false, FontWeight.Normal);
97                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "constanb.ttf",   FontFamily.Serif, "Constantia", false, FontWeight.Bold);
98                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "constanz.ttf",   FontFamily.Serif, "Constantia", true, FontWeight.Bold);
99                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "constani.ttf",    FontFamily.Serif, "Constantia", true, FontWeight.Normal);
100                 // corbel
101                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "corbel.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "Corbel", false, FontWeight.Normal);
102                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "corbelb.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Corbel", false, FontWeight.Bold);
103                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "corbelz.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Corbel", true, FontWeight.Bold);
104                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "corbeli.ttf",    FontFamily.SansSerif, "Corbel", true, FontWeight.Normal);
105                 // courier new
106                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "cour.ttf",      FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Courier New", false, FontWeight.Normal);
107                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "courbd.ttf",    FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Courier New", false, FontWeight.Bold);
108                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "courbi.ttf",    FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Courier New", true, FontWeight.Bold);
109                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "couri.ttf",     FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Courier New", true, FontWeight.Normal);
110                 // franklin gothic book
111                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "frank.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "Franklin Gothic Book", false, FontWeight.Normal);
112                 // times new roman
113                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "times.ttf",     FontFamily.Serif, "Times New Roman", false, FontWeight.Normal);
114                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "timesbd.ttf",   FontFamily.Serif, "Times New Roman", false, FontWeight.Bold);
115                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "timesbi.ttf",   FontFamily.Serif, "Times New Roman", true, FontWeight.Bold);
116                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "timesi.ttf",    FontFamily.Serif, "Times New Roman", true, FontWeight.Normal);
117                 // consolas
118                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "consola.ttf",   FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Consolas", false, FontWeight.Normal);
119                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "consolab.ttf",  FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Consolas", false, FontWeight.Bold);
120                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "consolai.ttf",  FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Consolas", true, FontWeight.Normal);
121                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "consolaz.ttf",  FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Consolas", true, FontWeight.Bold);
122                 // garamond
123                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "GARA.TTF",     FontFamily.Serif, "Garamond", false, FontWeight.Normal);
124                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "GARABD.TTF",   FontFamily.Serif, "Garamond", false, FontWeight.Bold);
125                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "GARAIT.TTF",    FontFamily.Serif, "Garamond", true, FontWeight.Normal);
126                 // georgia
127                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "georgia.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "Georgia", false, FontWeight.Normal);
128                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "georgiab.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Georgia", false, FontWeight.Bold);
129                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "georgiaz.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Georgia", true, FontWeight.Bold);
130                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "georgiai.ttf",    FontFamily.SansSerif, "Georgia", true, FontWeight.Normal);
131                 // KaiTi
132                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "kaiu.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "KaiTi", false, FontWeight.Normal);
133                 // Lucida Console
134                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "lucon.ttf",   FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Lucida Console", false, FontWeight.Normal);
135                 // malgun gothic
136                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "malgun.ttf",     FontFamily.Serif, "Malgun Gothic", false, FontWeight.Normal);
137                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "malgunbd.ttf",     FontFamily.Serif, "Malgun Gothic", false, FontWeight.Bold);
138                 // meiryo
139                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "meiryo.ttc",     FontFamily.Serif, "Meiryo", false, FontWeight.Normal);
140                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "meiryob.ttc",     FontFamily.Serif, "Meiryo", false, FontWeight.Bold);
141                 // ms mhei
142                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "MSMHei.ttf",     FontFamily.Serif, "Microsoft MHei", false, FontWeight.Normal);
143                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "MSMHei-Bold.ttf",     FontFamily.Serif, "Microsoft MHei", false, FontWeight.Bold);
144                 // ms neo gothic
145                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "MSNeoGothic.ttf",     FontFamily.Serif, "Microsoft NeoGothic", false, FontWeight.Normal);
146                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "MSNeoGothic-Bold.ttf",     FontFamily.Serif, "Microsoft NeoGothic", false, FontWeight.Bold);
147                 // palatino linotype
148                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "pala.ttf",     FontFamily.Serif, "Palatino Linotype", false, FontWeight.Normal);
149                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "palab.ttf",   FontFamily.Serif, "Palatino Linotype", false, FontWeight.Bold);
150                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "palabi.ttf",   FontFamily.Serif, "Palatino Linotype", true, FontWeight.Bold);
151                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "palai.ttf",    FontFamily.Serif, "Palatino Linotype", true, FontWeight.Normal);
152                 // segoeui
153                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "segoeui.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "Segoe UI", false, FontWeight.Normal);
154                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "segoeuib.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Segoe UI", false, FontWeight.Bold);
155                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "segoeuiz.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Segoe UI", true, FontWeight.Bold);
156                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "segoeuii.ttf",    FontFamily.SansSerif, "Segoe UI", true, FontWeight.Normal);
157                 // SimSun
158                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "simsun.ttc",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "SimSun", false, FontWeight.Normal);
159                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "simsunb.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "SimSun", false, FontWeight.Bold);
160                 // tahoma
161                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "tahoma.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "Tahoma", false, FontWeight.Normal);
162                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "tahomabd.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "Tahoma", false, FontWeight.Bold);
163                 // trebuchet ms
164                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "trebuc.ttf",     FontFamily.SansSerif, "Trebuchet MS", false, FontWeight.Normal);
165                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "trebucbd.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Trebuchet MS", false, FontWeight.Bold);
166                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "trebucbi.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Trebuchet MS", true, FontWeight.Bold);
167                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "trebucit.ttf",    FontFamily.SansSerif, "Trebuchet MS", true, FontWeight.Normal);
168                 // verdana
169                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "verdana.ttf",   FontFamily.SansSerif, "Verdana", false, FontWeight.Normal);
170                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "verdanab.ttf",  FontFamily.SansSerif, "Verdana", false, FontWeight.Bold);
171                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "verdanai.ttf",  FontFamily.SansSerif, "Verdana", true, FontWeight.Normal);
172                 ftfontMan.registerFont(fontsPath ~ "verdanaz.ttf",  FontFamily.SansSerif, "Verdana", true, FontWeight.Bold);
173                 if (ftfontMan.registeredFontCount()) {
174                     FontManager.instance = ftfontMan;
175                 } else {
176                     Log.w("No fonts registered in FreeType font manager. Disabling FreeType.");
177                     destroy(ftfontMan);
178                 }
179             }
180         } catch (Exception e) {
181             Log.e("Cannot create FreeTypeFontManager - falling back to win32");
182         }
184         // use Win32 font manager
185         if (FontManager.instance is null) {
186             FontManager.instance = new Win32FontManager();
187         }
188         return true;
189     }
191 } else {
192     import dlangui.graphics.ftfonts;
193     bool registerFonts(FreeTypeFontManager ft, string path) {
194         import std.file;
195         if (!exists(path) || !isDir(path))
196             return false;
197         ft.registerFont(path ~ "DejaVuSans.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "DejaVuSans", false, FontWeight.Normal);
198         ft.registerFont(path ~ "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "DejaVuSans", false, FontWeight.Bold);
199         ft.registerFont(path ~ "DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "DejaVuSans", true, FontWeight.Normal);
200         ft.registerFont(path ~ "DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "DejaVuSans", true, FontWeight.Bold);
201         ft.registerFont(path ~ "DejaVuSansMono.ttf", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "DejaVuSansMono", false, FontWeight.Normal);
202         ft.registerFont(path ~ "DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "DejaVuSansMono", false, FontWeight.Bold);
203         ft.registerFont(path ~ "DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "DejaVuSansMono", true, FontWeight.Normal);
204         ft.registerFont(path ~ "DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "DejaVuSansMono", true, FontWeight.Bold);
205         return true;
206     }
208 	string[] findFontsInDirectory(string dir) {
209 		import dlangui.core.files;
210 		import std.file : DirEntry;
211 		DirEntry[] entries;
212         try {
213             entries = listDirectory(dir, AttrFilter.files, ["*.ttf"]);
214         } catch(Exception e) {
215             return null;
216         }
218 		string[] res;
219 		foreach(entry; entries) {
220 			res ~= entry.name;
221 		}
222 		return res;
223 	}
225 	void registerFontsFromDirectory(FreeTypeFontManager ft, string dir) {
226 		string[] fontFiles = findFontsInDirectory(dir);
227 		Log.d("Fonts in ", dir, " : ", fontFiles);
228 		foreach(file; fontFiles)
229 			ft.registerFont(file);
230 	}
232     /// initialize font manager - default implementation
233     /// On win32 - first it tries to init freetype, and falls back to win32 fonts.
234     /// On linux/mac - tries to init freetype with some hardcoded font paths
235     extern(C) bool initFontManager() {
236         FreeTypeFontManager ft = new FreeTypeFontManager();
238         if (!registerFontConfigFonts(ft)) {
239             // TODO: use FontConfig
240             Log.w("No fonts found using FontConfig. Trying hardcoded paths.");
241 			version (Android) {
242 				ft.registerFontsFromDirectory("/system/fonts");
243 			} else {
244 	            ft.registerFonts("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/");
245 	            ft.registerFonts("/usr/share/fonts/TTF/");
246 	            ft.registerFonts("/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/");
247 	            ft.registerFonts("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/"); // let it compile on Debian Wheezy
248 			}
249             version(OSX) {
250                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
251                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Arial Bold.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", false, FontWeight.Bold, true);
252                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Arial Italic.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", true, FontWeight.Normal, true);
253                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Arial Bold Italic.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", true, FontWeight.Bold, true);
254                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
255                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Arial Bold.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", false, FontWeight.Bold, true);
256                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Arial Italic.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", true, FontWeight.Normal, true);
257                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Arial Bold Italic.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", true, FontWeight.Bold, true);
258                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Arial Narrow.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial Narrow", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
259                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Arial Narrow Bold.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial Narrow", false, FontWeight.Bold, true);
260                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Arial Narrow Italic.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial Narrow", true, FontWeight.Normal, true);
261                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Arial Narrow Bold Italic.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial Narrow", true, FontWeight.Bold, true);
262                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Courier New.ttf", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Courier New", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
263                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Courier New Bold.ttf", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Courier New", false, FontWeight.Bold, true);
264                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Courier New Italic.ttf", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Courier New", true, FontWeight.Normal, true);
265                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Courier New Bold Italic.ttf", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Courier New", true, FontWeight.Bold, true);
266                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Georgia.ttf", FontFamily.Serif, "Georgia", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
267                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Georgia Bold.ttf", FontFamily.Serif, "Georgia", false, FontWeight.Bold, true);
268                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Georgia Italic.ttf", FontFamily.Serif, "Georgia", true, FontWeight.Normal, true);
269                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Georgia Bold Italic.ttf", FontFamily.Serif, "Georgia", true, FontWeight.Bold, true);
270                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Comic Sans MS.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Comic Sans", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
271                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Comic Sans MS Bold.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Comic Sans", false, FontWeight.Bold, true);
272                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Tahoma.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Tahoma", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
273                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Tahoma Bold.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Tahoma", false, FontWeight.Bold, true);
275                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
276                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial Bold.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", false, FontWeight.Bold, true);
277                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial Italic.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", true, FontWeight.Normal, true);
278                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial Bold Italic.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Arial", true, FontWeight.Bold, true);
279                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Calibri.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Calibri", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
280                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Calibri Bold.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Calibri", false, FontWeight.Bold, true);
281                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Calibri Italic.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Calibri", true, FontWeight.Normal, true);
282                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Calibri Bold Italic.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Calibri", true, FontWeight.Bold, true);
283                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Times New Roman.ttf", FontFamily.Serif, "Times New Roman", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
284                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Times New Roman Bold.ttf", FontFamily.Serif, "Times New Roman", false, FontWeight.Bold, true);
285                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Times New Roman Italic.ttf", FontFamily.Serif, "Times New Roman", true, FontWeight.Normal, true);
286                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Times New Roman Bold Italic.ttf", FontFamily.Serif, "Times New Roman", true, FontWeight.Bold, true);
287                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Verdana.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Verdana", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
288                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Verdana Bold.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Verdana", false, FontWeight.Bold, true);
289                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Verdana Italic.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Verdana", true, FontWeight.Normal, true);
290                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Verdana Bold Italic.ttf", FontFamily.SansSerif, "Verdana", true, FontWeight.Bold, true);
292                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Consolas.ttf", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Consolas", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
293                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Consolas Bold.ttf", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Consolas", false, FontWeight.Bold, true);
294                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Consolas Italic.ttf", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Consolas", true, FontWeight.Normal, true);
295                 ft.registerFont("/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Consolas Bold Italic.ttf", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Consolas", true, FontWeight.Bold, true);
297                 ft.registerFont("/System/Library/Fonts/Menlo.ttc", FontFamily.MonoSpace, "Menlo", false, FontWeight.Normal, true);
298             }
299         }
301         if (!ft.registeredFontCount)
302             return false;
304         FontManager.instance = ft;
305         return true;
306     }
307 }
308 }
310 /// initialize logging (for win32 - to file ui.log, for other platforms - stderr; log level is TRACE for debug builds, and WARN for release builds)
311 extern (C) void initLogs() {
312     static if (BACKEND_CONSOLE) {
313         static import std.stdio;
314         debug {
315             Log.setFileLogger(new std.stdio.File("ui.log", "w"));
316             Log.i("Debug build. Logging to file ui.log");
317             Log.setLogLevel(LogLevel.Trace);
318         } else {
319             // no logging unless version ForceLogs is set
320             version(ForceLogs) {
321                 Log.setFileLogger(new std.stdio.File("ui.log", "w"));
322                 Log.i("Logging to file ui.log");
323                 //Log.setLogLevel(LogLevel.Trace);
324             }
325         }
326     } else {
327         static import std.stdio;
328         version (Windows) {
329             debug {
330                 Log.setFileLogger(new std.stdio.File("ui.log", "w"));
331             } else {
332                 // no logging unless version ForceLogs is set
333                 version(ForceLogs) {
334                     Log.setFileLogger(new std.stdio.File("ui.log", "w"));
335                     Log.i("Logging to file ui.log");
336                 }
337             }
338         } else version(Android) {
339             Log.setLogTag("dlangui");
340             Log.setLogLevel(LogLevel.Trace);
341         } else {
342             Log.setStderrLogger();
343         }
344         debug {
345             Log.setLogLevel(LogLevel.Trace);
346         } else {
347             version(ForceLogs) {
348                 Log.setLogLevel(LogLevel.Trace);
349                 Log.i("Log level: trace");
350             } else {
351                 Log.setLogLevel(LogLevel.Warn);
352                 Log.i("Log level: warn");
353             }
354         }
355     }
356     Log.i("Logger is initialized");
357 }
359 /// call this on application initialization
360 extern (C) void initResourceManagers() {
361     Log.d("initResourceManagers()");
362     import dlangui.graphics.fonts;
363     _gamma65 = new glyph_gamma_table!65(1.0);
364     _gamma256 = new glyph_gamma_table!256(1.0);
365     static if (ENABLE_FREETYPE) {
366         import dlangui.graphics.ftfonts;
367         STD_FONT_FACES = [
368             "Arial": 12,
369             "Times New Roman": 12,
370             "Courier New": 10,
371             "DejaVu Serif": 10,
372             "DejaVu Sans": 10,
373             "DejaVu Sans Mono": 10,
374             "Liberation Serif": 11,
375             "Liberation Sans": 11,
376             "Liberation Mono": 11,
377             "Verdana": 10,
378             "Menlo": 13,
379             "Consolas": 12,
380             "DejaVuSansMono": 10,
381             "Lucida Sans Typewriter": 10,
382             "Lucida Console": 12,
383             "FreeMono": 8,
384             "FreeSans": 8,
385             "FreeSerif": 8,
386         ];
387     }
388     static if (ENABLE_OPENGL) {
389         import dlangui.graphics.gldrawbuf;
390         initGLCaches();
391     }
392     import dlangui.graphics.resources;
393     embedStandardDlangUIResources();
394     static if (BACKEND_GUI) {
395         _imageCache = new ImageCache();
396     }
397     _drawableCache = new DrawableCache();
398     static if (BACKEND_GUI) {
399         version (Windows) {
400             import dlangui.platforms.windows.win32fonts;
401             initWin32FontsTables();
402         }
403     }
405     Log.d("Calling initSharedResourceManagers()");
406     initSharedResourceManagers();
408     Log.d("Calling initStandardEditorActions()");
409     import dlangui.widgets.editors;
410     initStandardEditorActions();
412     Log.d("Calling registerStandardWidgets()");
413     registerStandardWidgets();
416     Log.d("initResourceManagers() -- finished");
417 }
421 /// call this from shared static this()
422 extern (C) void initSharedResourceManagers() {
423     //Log.d("initSharedResourceManagers()");
424     //import dlangui.core.i18n;
425     //if (!i18n) {
426     //    Log.d("Creating i18n object");
427     //    i18n = new shared UIStringTranslator();
428     //}
429 }
431 shared static this() {
432     //initSharedResourceManagers();
433 }
435 /// register standard widgets to use in DML
436 extern(C) void registerStandardWidgets();
438 /// call this when all resources are supposed to be freed to report counts of non-freed resources by type
439 extern (C) void releaseResourcesOnAppExit() {
441     //
442     debug setAppShuttingDownFlag();
444     debug {
445         if (Widget.instanceCount() > 0) {
446             Log.e("Non-zero Widget instance count when exiting: ", Widget.instanceCount);
447         }
448     }
450     currentTheme = null;
451     drawableCache = null;
452     static if (BACKEND_GUI) {
453         imageCache = null;
454     }
455     FontManager.instance = null;
456     static if (ENABLE_OPENGL) {
457         import dlangui.graphics.gldrawbuf;
458         destroyGLCaches();
459     }
461     debug {
462         if (DrawBuf.instanceCount > 0) {
463             Log.e("Non-zero DrawBuf instance count when exiting: ", DrawBuf.instanceCount);
464         }
465         if (Style.instanceCount > 0) {
466             Log.e("Non-zero Style instance count when exiting: ", Style.instanceCount);
467         }
468         if (ImageDrawable.instanceCount > 0) {
469             Log.e("Non-zero ImageDrawable instance count when exiting: ", ImageDrawable.instanceCount);
470         }
471         if (Drawable.instanceCount > 0) {
472             Log.e("Non-zero Drawable instance count when exiting: ", Drawable.instanceCount);
473         }
474         static if (ENABLE_FREETYPE) {
475             import dlangui.graphics.ftfonts;
476             if (FreeTypeFontFile.instanceCount > 0) {
477                 Log.e("Non-zero FreeTypeFontFile instance count when exiting: ", FreeTypeFontFile.instanceCount);
478             }
479             if (FreeTypeFont.instanceCount > 0) {
480                 Log.e("Non-zero FreeTypeFont instance count when exiting: ", FreeTypeFont.instanceCount);
481             }
482         }
483     }
484 }
486 version(unittest) {
487     version (Windows) {
488         mixin APP_ENTRY_POINT;
490         /// entry point for dlangui based application
491         extern (C) int UIAppMain(string[] args) {
492             // just to enable running unit tests
493             import core.runtime;
494             import std.stdio;
495             if (!runModuleUnitTests()) {
496                 writeln("Error occured in unit tests. Press enter.");
497                 readln();
498                 return 1;
499             }
500             return 0;
501         }
502     }
503 }