1 module widgets.animation;
3 import dlangui;
5 static if(BACKEND_GUI)
6 {
7     class AnimatedDrawable : Drawable
8     {
9         DrawableRef background;
10         this()
11         {
12             background = drawableCache.get("tx_fabric.tiled");
13         }
15         void drawAnimatedRect(DrawBuf buf, uint p, Rect rc, int speedx, int speedy, int sz)
16         {
17             int x = (p * speedx % rc.width);
18             int y = (p * speedy % rc.height);
19             if (x < 0)
20                 x += rc.width;
21             if (y < 0)
22                 y += rc.height;
23             uint a = 64 + ((p / 2) & 0x7F);
24             uint r = 128 + ((p / 7) & 0x7F);
25             uint g = 128 + ((p / 5) & 0x7F);
26             uint b = 128 + ((p / 3) & 0x7F);
27             uint color = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
28             buf.fillRect(Rect(rc.left + x, rc.top + y, rc.left + x + sz, rc.top + y + sz), color);
29         }
31         void drawAnimatedIcon(DrawBuf buf, uint p, Rect rc, int speedx, int speedy, string resourceId)
32         {
33             int x = (p * speedx % rc.width);
34             int y = (p * speedy % rc.height);
35             if (x < 0)
36                 x += rc.width;
37             if (y < 0)
38                 y += rc.height;
39             DrawBufRef image = drawableCache.getImage(resourceId);
40             buf.drawImage(x, y, image.get);
41         }
43         override void drawTo(DrawBuf buf, Rect rc, uint state = 0, int tilex0 = 0, int tiley0 = 0)
44         {
45             background.drawTo(buf, rc, state, cast(int)(animationProgress / 695430), cast(int)(animationProgress / 1500000));
46             drawAnimatedRect(buf, cast(uint)(animationProgress / 295430), rc, 2, 3, 100);
47             drawAnimatedRect(buf, cast(uint)(animationProgress / 312400) + 100, rc, 3, 2, 130);
48             drawAnimatedIcon(buf, cast(uint)(animationProgress / 212400) + 200, rc, -2, 1, "dlangui-logo1");
49             drawAnimatedRect(buf, cast(uint)(animationProgress / 512400) + 300, rc, 2, -2, 200);
50             drawAnimatedRect(buf, cast(uint)(animationProgress / 214230) + 800, rc, 1, 2, 390);
51             drawAnimatedIcon(buf, cast(uint)(animationProgress / 123320) + 900, rc, 1, 2, "cr3_logo");
52             drawAnimatedRect(buf, cast(uint)(animationProgress / 100000) + 100, rc, -1, -1, 120);
53         }
54         @property override int width() { return 1; }
55         @property override int height() { return 1; }
56         ulong animationProgress;
57         void animate(long interval) { animationProgress += interval; }
59     }
61     class SampleAnimationWidget : VerticalLayout
62     {
63         AnimatedDrawable drawable;
64         DrawableRef drawableRef;
65         this(string ID)
66         {
67             super(ID);
68             drawable = new AnimatedDrawable();
69             drawableRef = drawable;
70             padding = Rect(20, 20, 20, 20);
71             addChild(new TextWidget(null, "This is TextWidget on top of animated background"d));
72             addChild(new EditLine(null, "This is EditLine on top of animated background"d));
73             addChild(new Button(null, "This is Button on top of animated background"d));
74             addChild(new VSpacer());
75         }
77         /// background drawable
78         @property override DrawableRef backgroundDrawable() const
79         {
80             return (cast(SampleAnimationWidget)this).drawableRef;
81         }
83         /// returns true is widget is being animated - need to call animate() and redraw
84         @property override bool animating() const { return true; }
86         /// animates window; interval is time left from previous draw, in hnsecs (1/10000000 of second)
87         override void animate(long interval)
88         {
89             drawable.animate(interval);
90             invalidate();
91         }
92     }
93 }
94 else
95 {
96     class SampleAnimationWidget : VerticalLayout
97     {
98         this(string ID)
99         {
100             super(ID);
101             addChild(new TextWidget(null, "Animations in text mode are not supported"d));
102         }
103     }
104 }