empty parameter list constructor - for usage by factory
create with ID parameter
override to handle focus changes
returns true if item is child of this widget (when deepSearch == true - returns true if item is this widget or one of children inside children tree).
returns item index by 0-based offset from top/left of list content
override to handle mouse up on item
returns true if item with corresponding index is enabled
returns rectangle for item (scrolled)
returns rectangle for item (not scrolled, first item starts at 0,0)
return list item widget by item index
Set widget rectangle to specified value and layout widget contents. (Step 2 of two phase layout).
ensure item is visible
ensure selected item is visible (scroll if necessary)
Measure widget according to desired width and height constraints. (Step 1 of two phase layout).
sets minimum size for the list, override to change
move selection
item list is changed
Draw widget at its position to buffer
list navigation using keys
process mouse event; return true if event is processed by widget.
handle scroll event
handle theme change: e.g. reload some themed resources
override to handle change of selection
get adapter
set adapter
returns number of widgets in list
returns linear layout orientation (Vertical, Horizontal)
sets linear layout orientation
allow to override state for updating of items
set adapter, which will be owned by list (destroy will be called for adapter on widget destroy)
when true, mouse hover selects underlying item
when true, mouse hover selects underlying item
Selected item index.
if true, generate itemClicked on mouse down instead mouse up event
client area rectangle (counting padding, margins, and scrollbar)
first visible item index
item with Hover state, -1 if no such item
maximum scroll position
when true, need to destroy adapter on list destroy
scroll position - offset of scroll area
when true, mouse hover selects underlying item
item with Selected state, -1 if no such item
total height of all items for Vertical orientation, or width for Horizontal
Handle item click / activation (e.g. Space or Enter key press and mouse double click)
Handle selection change.
returns number of children of this widget
returns child by index
adds child, returns added item
inserts child at given index, returns inserted item
removes child, returns removed item
removes child by ID, returns removed item
removes child, returns removed item
returns index of widget in child list, -1 if passed widget is not a child of this widget
replace child with other child
handle scroll event
List widget - shows content as horizontal or vertical list